Camas Total Lunar Eclipse Flower Essence


The Wild Wisdom of Camas: Love & Balance

This beautiful flower essence is a lunar essence and was crafted during the total lunar eclipse of the Flower Moon.

This Camas Flower Essence speaks of love and balance. Wherever you need balance in your life, Camas is here to help. Balance between left brain/right brain and work/life. Camas also helps clear paths of communication and is known for helping those with autism.

This essence also captures the wild wisdom of the total lunar eclipse of the Flower Moon. Full moons are about letting go, and the lunar eclipse amplifies this. To find balance we often have to let go of the things that no longer serve us. The process of letting go is not always easy, and Camas helps support us during the process. The energy of this eclipse is also transformational, helping us face what lays just under the surface.

Flower essences capture the healing vibration of a plant. They work on a different level than tinctures or salves. Flower essences work on helping with emotions, traumas, and fears. They do not work on physical problems or disease.

This flower essence was lovingly handmade during the full Flower Moon eclipse. The essence is preserved at stock bottle strength.

Typical flower essence dosage is four drops four times daily. You can take the drops directly under the tongue or place them in a glass of water that is slowly sipped. Take the flower essence remedy for two weeks, noting any changes in emotions.

•Camas Flower Essence, 1-oz.

Ingredients: Flower Essence of Camas (Camassia quamash), mountain water, gluten-free alcohol

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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