Finding Balance

Last week was the Autumnal Equinox in the Norhtern Hemisphere. Both the autumnal and vernal equinoxes are about balance. However, I always feel the balance more strongly in the Autumn. The summer is always a huge out-breath with a lot of hard physical activity in the garden and with livestock. Winter acts as an in-breath season where life is slower and more home centered. I always feel the need to slow down deeply in the Autumn. September is always an intense month with many winter preparations. Winter at Mossygoat Farm encompasses many months of near freezing rain. A month or more can go by without seeing the sun through the dreary grey sky. Autumn is the perfect balance between the high heat and activity of summer and the dreary stillness of winter.

autumn balance

It can be hard to find balance on the farm. There are always chores to be done. Always. It can actually be very overwhelming when you need to instinctually slow down. Money needs to be balanced. Most people who practice homesteading are not independently wealthy. A balance needs to occur between family and home. Homeschool and work. Work and life. Personal time and spouse time. I suppose all of life comes down to balance.

With so much to do, finding balance can be hard if a person lacks appropriate balancing skills or is coming at life with past trauma or emotional healing that needs to be done. We also live in a world of constant distractions and many people suffer from “bright shiny object” syndrome of constantly changing needs and desires. Society itself seemingly tries to remove us from balance so that we consume more.

Nature is balanced and the Autumnal Equinox is a reminder of this. Even in a world of extremes, balance always returns. The storm always ends. To rewild is to remember this balance. Rewilding on the homestead requires us to let go of everything off-kilter in the world and embrace sacred balance. To wildstead is to remember home and this includes our house, our farms, and our place in nature.

Finding balance on the homestead

Mossygoat Farm is home to Wild Wisdom Botanicals where we bring nature’s healing hand to you. Flower essences capture the healing vibration of a plant. Multiple plants personify and help with balance, both spiritual and emotional. Our beautiful Camas flower essence was crafted on the evening of a full lunar eclipse and helps with brain balance between the left and right sides of your brain, or balance between artistic and logical. Our Self-Heal flower essence helps us find our own balance and rekindle our body’s innate ability to heal.

I spent the equinox crafting two new beautiful flower essences which also help personify balance. The Sunflower flower essence brings the wild wisdom of soul radiance and helps us to balance our emotions, especially when the soul is in a gloomy, deep depression. This is a perfect essence to use as we approach winter. Queen Anne’s Lace flower essence helps with spiritual balance. It helps with balancing the crown with the root, bringing grounding to those who live in their head. Queen Anne’s Lace also helps with integrating the physical and ethereal.

This Autumnal Equinox and new moon time, we are offering a new flower medley to help you find balance in your life. This is a beautiful medley of essences which are here to help you find balance.

Balance on the homestead may be elusive, but all you have to do is look at nature and remember that to everything there is a season.

Happy Autumn everyone.


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